John Key is certainly not saving himself - or his family - any personal pride in his attempts to snuggly concrete his image as a 'peoples-man'. We can look at these efforts in much the same way we can look at New Zealand's environmental efforts: secure the brand of being 'clean and green', and once everyone believes it, just do whatever you want. I'm sure that once Key has his adorably simple face has finished creating warm fuzzies for the public, he will be more liberated to follow an agenda that he will get away with.
Why else would he become a gauffing seal on the Letterman show, or par take in events such as this? Why, because it is all part of the blind-folding of course. One endearing act at a time, as long as he keeps showing us what a modest, good-keen-kiwi he is, he believes we will eventually be blind.
Well, I'm sorry John, but you're just looking like a douche. If you want to lower yourself and perform tricks to charm the public, at least have some class and style about it, like your desperate Conservative reflection in Canada.
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