Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm back ...

I'm in a wonderful mood this early Monday morning flicking between Morning Report and the VBC Breakfast show, so I thought it may as well be a good time to start blogging again.

If you were successful enough to find this page again you'll notice the URL has now changed to a very fitting You'll also find the font has been changed to a lovely Trebuchet.

Status update:
Caffeine level: minimal
Nicotine level: minimal
Lamington level: optimal
Morning Report level: excellent

I've finished my final trimester of uni and am now frantically looking for full-time work, which I'm hoping may be more straight forward now that the status of my degree has gone from "completing" to "graduand" on my CV. It's a long, dark ride if you're an undergrad without hospo experience - too qualified for some working class jobs, not qualified enough for the rungs just above you. I've had so many casual and short lived part time jobs over the past three years I feel like I have an employment tummy ache that usually only follows an overdose of gummy bears.

I've been following politics with a growing disillusionment but no quantity of dispassion. The blog will continue to follow politics and media leading up to the 2011 election, especially concerning the different campaigns for electoral change/maintenance. I'm going to have more time over the next sixth months for personal background reading and research so I hope that extra time will add the blogs quality considerably.

I think that shall be all for now. I will return to Geoff Robinson's attempt at an air of British regal superiority. Until next time, here is a picture of a giant gummy bear.

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